I sometimes tweet; does that make me a twit?

I am @rteeter on Twitter. I occasionally post there about research in climate change and water, particularly stuff that might not be widely reported.

(I’m already blogging — you’re looking at it — but Twittering counts as microblogging, so it must go along with week 2 in SLA’s 23 things.)

Went to a lecture tonight

I don’t normally do these sorts of things on a weeknight in my first life. But in my Second Life, I went to a Special Libraries Association program for librarians who want to raise their profiles. I never used SL before — I thought it was kind of a waste of time, frankly — but this was a good way to get some good ideas without having to go out anywhere.

(BTW, I’m Reb Zimberman on SL, so if you see me there, say hi.)

Edited to add: Since I created an avatar, that counts as thing 13 in SLA’s 23 Things (part of Play Week).

links for 2009-09-22

Great article by Laura Barnes

Second Life for librarians

"Pop quiz: would you rather tell complete strangers how wonderful you are, or, oh, I don’t know, perhaps walk barefoot on a bed of hot coals while reciting Ranganathan’s Five Laws?"