Discovery and Discoverability #InternetLibrarian

Marshall Breeding

Different models:

* World-scale – Everything in results (Libraries spend a lot of article databases, want them included in results. Not too expensive or difficult to index billions of items any more.)
* Bento-box
* E-book integration

Patron privacy concerns
Vital that libraries implement end-to-end encryption (https, TLS)
Third-party sites (such as Google Analytics): make sure user’s info is anonymized. Ghostery is a tool users can use to tell them how they are being tracked.

Most public libraries using online catalog or discovery module that came with their ILS, but some are using different ones.

Most public libraries use some kind of e-book lending. Want it to be integrated into catalog, not just a link.

Jarring to go from a library web site to a catalog that looks different.

Can assemble something with Drupal. The less you have to work with the code, the better.

Want everything under the library’s domain; most essential part of library’s brand.

Various systems use headings, keywords, concepts.

Discoverability: experiments with linked data.

(Google Structured Data Testing Tool)

Room for better, more intuitive display, linked data to supplement.

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